Tuesday 5 January 2021

Live remote lessons

All guns blazing, that's how I started today. Ready to deliver lessons almost as though I was still in my room where actually I was at home. A few minor glitches with students on the wrong call but 4 lessons delivered. I delivered what I had expected and gave the kids a chance to learn the technology and work through what they needed to do. 

It was hard. My plan of delivering constant for 25% of the lesson and the kids do the rest was unrealistic today. However, the kids said thanks and they really appreciated the interaction even if they struggled to be motivated at home.

Last year the biggest issues was the lack of interaction. It was too new and fresh and we weren't ready. This year we have got some skills and the tools have come on a long way we can do far better than we could before.

Tomorrow is a bigger challenge. 6 lessons worth and a couple of new classes to get through the process. It should get easier. My expectations aren't going to change and I want to continue to give my kids a chance to interact, ask questions, get some feedback and if they learn something then that's an added bonus. 

I need to remember that I can only fix things that I am in control of and leave others to fix the other things that I can't. 

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